Larry Hohol is the author of the new book, "The Luzerne County Railroad".  A story about  corruption in the American judicial system, the book will shake you to your core.  Each chapter will leave you amazed by the new depth of brazen greed and corruption.  If you think it couldn't get any worse, the next chapter will prove you wrong.

If you care about freedom and equality in America, you must read this book!

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Larry Hohol - Judicial Corruption Blog

Browsing Archive: May, 2011

“Kids for Cash” - Things Just Don’t Add Up

Posted by Larry Hohol on Sunday, May 29, 2011, In : Kids for Cash Scandal 
Just remember that Ciavarella has stated all along that the "Kids for Cash" scandal is a myth.  The way this case was prosecuted offers him "Proof" he may be right.  Not a single sentence, exhibit, or witness was presented during his trial to support any of the "Kids for Cash" charges thus he was found not guilty on 27 of 39 charges.  Something just doesn't add up.  Speaking of not adding up, when is Conahan going to be sentenced?  His whole plea deal was predicated on him testifying against ...
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Unsolicited Review of My Book and My Life

Posted by Larry Hohol on Sunday, May 29, 2011, In : The Luzerne County Railroad 

I am here to tell you that it is one of life’s greatest moments when someone totally unknown to you reads a book you have written about your life and then writes a review of this magnitude. I wish my book was about a subject that was more pleasant and inspiring. A book about succeeding in business and in life in general seems like it would be a better fit for me and who I am. That was not meant to be.

Little did I know when I was going through my very lonely, gut wrenching e...

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US Attorney’s Office needs to change policy

Posted by Larry Hohol on Saturday, May 7, 2011, In : Thoughts about Judicial Corruption 
I believe that every single person that is offered a plea deal in the Luzerne County corruption probe should spend time in prison.  If they chirp loudly and help expose other corruption I don't have a problem with a reduced sentence.  Single count plea deals for criminals that have exploited legitimate taxpayers dozens or hundreds of times for thousands or even millions of dollars just doesn’t cut it.  Hard working taxpayers are becoming as outraged by the leniency afforded these criminals ...
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