Larry Hohol is the author of the new book, "The Luzerne County Railroad".  A story about  corruption in the American judicial system, the book will shake you to your core.  Each chapter will leave you amazed by the new depth of brazen greed and corruption.  If you think it couldn't get any worse, the next chapter will prove you wrong.

If you care about freedom and equality in America, you must read this book!

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Larry Hohol - Judicial Corruption Blog

Browsing Archive: October, 2011

I Totally Disagree with all Members of the Bar Association Interviewed for this Article

Posted by Larry Hohol on Thursday, October 6, 2011, In : Kids for Cash Scandal 
Please read this article first. Here is the link:

The Legal Intelligencer - Legal Observers Say Conahan's Sentence Fair, Starting Point for Healing

I couldn’t disagree more with all that were interviewed for this article.  I am a Luzerne County Native and a former Law Enforcement Officer from this County.  I am here to tell you that Ex-Judge/Convicted Felon Conahan told the biggest lie of his life while he addressed his victims and the Sentencing Judge. He stated the system was not corrup...

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Prison Bound Felon Judge Conahan Tells the Biggest Lie of His Life

Posted by Larry Hohol on Sunday, October 2, 2011, In : Kids for Cash Scandal 
Ex-Judge Conahan told the biggest lie of his entire life when he stated that the system was not corrupt. The system all the way through failed to stop both of these judges.  The Judicial Conduct Board knew the bulk of the issues that these two corrupt judges were eventually charged with.  Instead of investigating as the board is "REQUIRED" to do, the board tabled a detailed anonymous complaint against these very judges and instead went after the Judge suspected of being the author.  This same...
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