I don’t want to live in a country that cuts off both arms of convicted pickpockets.  There is NO DOUBT that Judge Lokuta deserves some sort of discipline for her Judge Judy style of justice in her courtroom.  That being said, I am extremely uncomfortable with the highest profile witnesses against her being Felon Ex-Judges Conahan and Ciavarella.  Combine this with the Chairman of the Judicial Conduct Board being business partners with Conahan and the Chief Prosecutor against Judge Lokuta being the private counsel for admitted felon attorney Powell and also private counsel for PA Child Care Inc.  There are far, far, far too many conflicts of interest for me to feel this prosecution wasn’t fixed.  Add to the mix that Judge Lokuta is the first judge in the history of the JCB to be removed from her elected position while never being charged with any crime.  Did I mention that the Retired Chief Justice of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court’s son OWNS THE KIDDY PRISON at the heart of this entire scandal.  Regardless of whether you love or hate Judge Lokuta her prosecution and the participants in it need to be investigated very thoroughly.  I honestly believe that a Federal Grand Jury would be appropriate.

The Citizens Voice - Supreme Court denies Lokuta a second hearing

The Times Leader - State Supreme Court denies Lokuta's motion for reconsideration